Sound Of Music is a musical movie that set in the background of Nazi occupation of Austria during World War 2. The movie revolves around Maria, a pretty lady with great love for music and nature. In her childhood, she was attracted towards life as a nun at church. But love for nature and music becomes the hurdle for her life at church. She will be sent to serve as a Governess for Von Trapp's children for few months by the Reverend Mother.
Von Trapp was once a captain of Austrian Navy and it can be easily guessed that he was in military by his disciplined life and which he also enforce on his seven children. He is a rich man but loss of his wife leaves him in agony. The children, deprived of mother's love and also of father's, always try to draw the attention of their father by playing pranks on Governesses. Totally twelve Governesses, unable to withstand the pranks, had already ran away. And here comes the Maria as thirteenth Governess.
Maria gets the same welcome as other Governesses had got from children. But Maria notices that the reason for their such behavior was the strict discipline enforced on them by the father, and notably the absence of loving mother. She feels very sorry for the children and take up the task of bringing back the rhythm of life into their family. The next day, Von Trapp leaves to city for a month to meet his baroness friend. Maria makes good use of this time and takes children to play outside, teach them music and give them all the motherly love she had to give. Children become very much fond of Maria and a month passes like a lightning in her presence.
Von Trapp returns with the baroness from the city only to find his children playing by the roadside and then in water with Maria. He loses his temper and commands Maria to leave the house. But when he listens his children greeting baroness with a lovely welcome song, he understands the impact of Maria in such a great change in the children. He apologizes Maria and asks her to stay back. As every day roll, Von Trapp's love for Maria grows within him silently. Baroness notices this change in Von Trapp and one fine day she succeed in convincing Maria to leave the house.
Maria returns back to church and prepares to take vow as a nun, though she was doing it against her will. Here at the Von Trapp's house, children miss Maria very much. And also get a shock when their father declares that Baroness is going to be their mother. What happens next? Does Maria take the vow as a nun? Does Von Trapp forget Maria and marry the Baroness? What about the children? Do they feel home with Baroness? You have to watch the movie to know answers to these questions.
Movie has many melodious songs that perfectly blends with the wonderful places where the movie has been shot. Movie also shows how silently the Nazi occupation of Austria took place. The music leaves a deep impression on your heart and at last, it is not surprising if you find yourself humming the music of the movie.